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Deazie doing a barbell squat with a weighted vest

Deazie doing a barbell squat with a weighted vest during STS Meso #3 – Optional Leg Workout. To do a true strength workout you will probably need to use a squat rack, but the weighted vest option will allow people who don’t have a squat rack to still do this routine and get a workout…

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Meso #3 Optional Leg Workout

Pictured above in the STS Meso #3 Optional – Leg group shot. (Lorraine, Cathe, Robert, Lorraine, Deazie and Greg) This is a very basic, but extremely effective and tough workout. You will use the 5% method and do 4 exercises (Squats, Stiff Legged Deadlifts, Front Squats and Static Lunges) for 4 sets each for your…