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How to Select The Right Weight?

If you had to select a weight that you could only do for a certain amount of reps would you know what weight to use for every exercise? Most people who workout probably don’t know the answer to the preceding question except for a few exercises. This is why many people never change their routines…

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If Your Goal Is Hypertrophy?

If your goal is hypertrophy (body building) you need to choose a weight that is between 70% and 80% of your 1RM. If you always lift a weight that is too light you will never recruit enough muscle fibers to maximize and stimulate hypertrophy. Likewise, if you always lift the same heavy weight every week…

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Decline Press Makes This Move More Advanced

Most of our crew will do bench work on a flat or incline bench or step. However, instead of a flat bench or step we will occasionally show an exerciser using a decline bench. In the above picture Stuart is shown performing a Decline Tricep Extension during an STS rehearsal. This move is more advanced…