7 Surprising Facts About Type 2 Diabetes Backed by Science
How much do you know about type 2 diabetes? This article explores seven science-backed facts about this common health condition that many people don’t know.
How much do you know about type 2 diabetes? This article explores seven science-backed facts about this common health condition that many people don’t know.
Did you know whole grains are heart healthy? Let’s explore five whole grains along with information on their nutritional benefits and how to incorporate them into your diet. Learn which whole grains are best for your heart health and how to add them to your favorite recipes for delicious and healthy meals.
Stretching and recovery will play a larger role in my January 2023 Workout Rotation this year to help prepare you for STS 2.0 and the program’s emphasis on taking the necessary time to heal hard-worked muscles. This doesn’t mean that we won’t work just as hard as we always have! It means that after we work hard, we put that same level of energy and focus into the recovery portion of our regimen!
Are you maximizing exercise recovery? Cool down after a tough workout with these 7 effective cooldown practices. Discover stretches, breathing exercises, and more that will help you restore your energy and recover faster.
Strength training can build beautiful strength and muscle definition. However, it’s important that muscle development is symmetrical. Plus, symmetrical muscle strength lowers the risk of injury. This article looks at practical strategies for developing muscle symmetry.
One of the best ways to promote gut health is to eat a diversity of plant-based foods. You often hear about the gut health benefits of fruits and vegetables, but a new study finds that two surprising types of foods may help you build a more diverse gut microbiome and support gut health. Find out what they are.
How much time do you spend sitting at a desk every day? For many people, it’s quite a few, and it can take a toll on your health and well-being. But don’t let it happen to you! This article looks at effective, science-backed ways to stay healthy behind a desk.
Packaged food marketers can use misleading marketing campaigns to make you think their products are healthier than they are. The reality is that whole foods are the better choice, so don’t fall for the “tricks” when reading advertising and food packaging.
You can help your health, the environment, and your bank account by eating seasonally. The article explores the benefits of seasonal eating and why it’s a healthier and more sustainable way of eating.
Despite its beauty, winter can sometimes be depressing. The lack of sunlight and time outdoors can take its toll on your mental health, and you get a bad case of the winter blues or doldrums. If winter has you down, here are some proven ways to beat the winter blues.
In addition to being a great source of minerals and vitamins, spinach is also high in fiber. There are many health benefits to eating it, and some of them may surprise you. In this article, you will learn about five surprising health benefits of spinach and how to enjoy it.
Osteoporosis and bone loss are major concerns for older people, especially women. Are there ways to build bone and increase bone density in later life? Let’s look at the science to see what it says.