Fat Loss Myths
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Debunking 6 Common Myths about Fat Loss

Discover the truth about fat loss as we debunk six common myths that may be hindering your journey towards a healthier, leaner you. From distinguishing between fat loss and weight loss to unraveling the mysteries of spot reduction, discover practical advice backed by scientific studies to help you make informed choices and achieve real, sustainable results.”

Skin Aging
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What You Need to Know About the Effects of Sugar, Soft Drinks, and Fried Foods on Your Skin

Discover how your dietary choices can either enhance or harm your skin’s health and youthful appearance. Discover the effects of sugar, soft drinks, fried foods, processed meats, vegetable oils, alcohol, and excess salt on your skin and how they contribute to the skin aging process.

Cathe's November 2023 Workout Rotation

Cathe’s November 2023 Workout Rotation

This month ( November 2023 Workout Rotation) we’ll shake things up with 2 weeks of split routines. On split days you’ll be performing both cardio and weights on the same day. You can choose to do the whole workout from start to finish or do the cardio and weight portions at different times during the day.  On the two weeks that you aren’t focused on split routines, you’ll do your weights and cardio on separate days during the week, but you will still finish each week with a workout that includes both. This mix will help to keep your body guessing from week to week and give your metabolism a boost. One recovery day and one off day have been included per week, but the off day can be an additional recovery workout if you choose.  Stay hydrated, eat well, and have fun!

Weight Training
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Breaking Free: How Weight Training Empowers Women Beyond Physical Change

In a world that often imposes unattainable ideals on women’s bodies, the journey of weight training transcends the superficial. It’s not just about shedding pounds or inches; it’s a profound transformation that forges a deeper connection with your own capabilities, boosts self-assurance, and defies societal norms. Let’s explore further.