Are All Yoga Mats the Same?

If you do yoga, you probably have a yoga mat to rest your body on.  A mat helps cushion your hands, feet, and body against the hard floor. You might think all yoga mats are the same and it’s okay to buy the least expensive one. However, yoga mats come in various materials and sizes and what works for you may not be ideal for someone else. Plus, mats vary in thickness and how durable they are. Which one is right for you?

What Yoga Mats Are Made Of

The most common yoga mats are made from synthetic materials. The less expensive ones are often made from PVC or polyvinyl chloride. PVC is a strong, durable resin derived from vinyl chloride. You might already be familiar with it since it’s a common component in flooring and pipes.

Despite being hardy and durable, PVC, being plastic-based, isn’t environmentally friendly. Once you discard the mat, the PVC stays in the environment. No wonder people concerned about the environment look for alternatives! Plus, if you do a sweaty workout and lie down on a PVC yoga mat, your sweat stays on the surface of the mat since PVC doesn’t absorb moisture. The mats may also slide around on the floor when you exercise.

If you don’t like that sensation or what PVC does to the environment, this yoga mat isn’t for you. In addition, if you expose a PVC mat to heat, it may release unhealthy chemicals from the plastics used to make it. PVC mats may also release phthalates, chemicals linked with hormone disruption.

Another type of synthetic material manufacturers use to make yoga mats is TPE or thermoplastic elastomer. These mats still contain plastic, along with rubber, but are more friendly to the environment, at least relative to PVC mats. Since they contain rubber, avoid TPE if you have a rubber or latex allergy. However, these mats slide around less than PVC yoga mats, making them safer. Who wants a mat to slide out from under them? The advantage over a mat made with PVC is a TPE mat is free of PVC and latex but it’s still synthetic.

Eco-Friendly Options

You don’t have to choose a synthetic fabric for your yoga mat. In fact, eco-friendly mats are more popular and affordable than ever.  As the term suggests, eco-friendly options are more environmentally friendly. Some are made from organic cotton or rubber, two natural alternatives. However, rubber isn’t an option if you have a latex allergy. Another disadvantage of a rubber yoga mat is they absorb and hold on to moisture and take longer to dry. They also lack the durability of yoga mats made from synthetic materials. Still, there’s something to be said for environmental sustainability.

You can also find eco-friendly mats made from jute. To make these mats, manufacturers combine fibers from the jute with an eco-friendly polymer. Supposedly, the polymer is non-toxic. The polymer adds durability while the jute fiber is friendly to the environment and biodegradable. However, they easily absorb sweat, and the plant fibers used to make them can irritate your skin.

Another option environmentalists’ can appreciate is yoga mats made from cork combined with natural rubber. A combination cork and rubber mat an environmentally friendly choice that binds to the floor you place it on in a manner that reduces the risk of slippage. In fact, a cork yoga mat is unlikely to slip even during your most demanding workouts. Plus, cork mats are more durable than rubber or cotton mats.

Yoga Mats Vary in Thickness

You can buy yoga mats in varying thicknesses from a light, ultra-thin mat that weighs only two pounds to one that weighs seven pounds or more. How would you like to lug that one around? If you only do yoga at home and don’t take your yoga mat on trips, the weight of the mat may not be an issue.

Standard is a yoga mat of about an eighth inch in thickness, but you can find mats with an ultra-thin thickness of only a sixteenth of an inch and as thick as a half-inch. There are pros and cons to each. Thinner and lighter mats are easier to carry from place to place, but they lack the cushioning of a thicker mat. The extra cushioning may be important if you have achy knees or achy joints. You can find mats as thick as a quarter-inch, but they are harder to stand on and maintain balance. Therefore, decide what’s most important, extra cushioning or a mat you can easily stand on and stay balanced. A good compromise is a yoga mat with a thickness of a sixth inch.

What about the length of a yoga mat? The standard length of a mat is 68 inches. If you’re taller, you might prefer a longer mat so you can stretch your entire body out on it.

Make Sure the Yoga Mat You Choose Grips Well to the Floor

It’s important that the mat you choose stays in place when you use it. The last thing you want is a mat that slips or slides around during an exercise session. A TPE yoga mat is less likely to slide than a PVC mat. If you want an option that’s more friendly to the environment, a rubber yoga mat sticks firmly to the floor. Sliding yoga mats are inconvenient and increase the risk of injury.

Then there are issues of color and design. Since they don’t impact performance or durability, choose a color or pattern you enjoy and one that will motivate you to work out! Colors evoke emotions. For example, a bright red yoga mat is energizing while a deep blue one is soothing to look at. It all depends on your preferences! But remember, a darker color is less likely to show dirt. If you plan on using it every day and carrying it lots of places, a light color might be impractical.

The Bottom Line

Now, you know some things to look for when choosing a yoga mat. Choose one that feels comfortable, is easy to carry around, and that makes you want to work out!


References: “The Comprehensive Yoga Mat Buying Guide”


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Cathe Fitness Accessories

Cathe Yoga Mats  (purchase directly from us at our Shop.Cathe website)

Cathe Yoga Mats on Amazon  (you can also purchase our Yoga & Exercise mats from our Amazon store)


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