5 Ways Being Physically Fit Enhances Productivity and Makes You a Stronger Leader

5 Ways Being Physically Fit Enhances Productivity and Makes You a Stronger Leader

Being physically fit can enhance all aspects of your life. Not only does it improve your health and the way you look, but it can also make you a stronger performer and leader at work and increase your productivity. Most people don’t start an exercise program to enhance their leadership potential, but a growing number of big companies are aware of the benefits physical fitness brings to the workplace. That’s why they’re giving employees access to exercise facilities and encouraging them to use them. Fortunately, you can get similar benefits from working out at home.

Research even shows earning power may be tied in with how fit you are. A study published in the Journal of Labor and Research showed people who work out earn 9% more than those that don’t. Surprised? Physical fitness really does carry over into all aspects of your life. It’s the ultimate health and performance booster. Read on and see how staying physically fit gives you an edge in the business world – and in life.

Exercise Boosts Brain Power

To be a leader, you need brain power. Fortunately, exercise gives you an advantage in the “smarts” department. Research shows aerobic exercise helps build new nerve cells and new connections between existing nerve cells. How so? A vigorous workout stimulates the release of a brain-friendly chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. Plus, exercise pumps more oxygen to your brain cells. This creates conditions that are fertile for developing new and creative ideas. Based on a study carried out by IBM, creativity is the most important quality a leader can possess.

Can exercise really enhance creativity? According to Psychology Today, aerobic exercise is a brain reboot that removes old information to make way for fresh ideas. It may also be the key to tapping into your sub-conscious where new ideas lie. Ever notice how inspiration often strikes during a workout – you think of a new idea, an answer to a problem you’ve been contemplating for days? In fact, Einstein reportedly dreamed up the concept of relativity while riding his bicycle. Coincidence? Most likely not. A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine boosts creativity independent of your mood while doing it. Maybe you won’t come up with the next lofty theory of the universe like Einstein did but you can use exercise as a springboard for mental clarity and new ideas.

 Increased Energy and Stamina

As you develop better cardiovascular fitness, you gain more stamina. When you resistance train you build greater functional strength. As a result, you have more energy to devote to projects. Exercise is an energy booster independent of cardiovascular fitness. It gets your blood flowing. One study of adults complaining of fatigue with no medical cause showed six weeks of low or moderate intensity exercise boosted their energy level and reduced feelings of fatigue. Less fatigue means you’ll get more done. Leaders can’t afford to be tired!

Greater Productivity

Is exercise tied to productivity? Apparently, it is. A study published in the International Journal of Workplace Health Management found employees were 23% more productive on days they worked out compared to days they didn’t. No surprise here. When you have more energy, your productivity soars. You may think you don’t have time to work out some days, but if it helps your productivity, you end up ahead. Exercise is an investment not only in your health but in your ability to be productive and get things done.

Body Weight Benefits

Exercise and good nutrition are the best form of weight control. Why is maintaining a healthy weight important in the workplace? Sadly, being overweight can negatively impact your income and hinder the ability to move up to leadership roles in some companies. A 2007 study carried out by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics showed overweight and obese women experience wage discrimination compared to normal weight women. In fact, obese women suffered a 12% wage differential. Why might this be? Some companies perceive overweight and obese people to be less energetic and motivated than their normal weight counterparts. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, companies are less likely to see overweight and obese people as having leadership potential.

 Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Exercise is a natural stress reliever. When you work out, your brain pumps out feel-good chemicals called endorphins that create a sense of calm and well-being.  You might think the effects gradually subside after you stop exercising but a study carried out by the University of Maryland show the benefits of a workout are longer lasting. Not only does exercise reduce anxiety while you’re doing it – the benefits last even after a workout is over. Why is this important? Leaders need to stay calm in the face of stress and uncertainty. Exercise has benefits from a psychological standpoint by helping you clear your mind and physical benefits in terms of how it impacts your brain.

The Bottom Line?

Exercise has so many intangible benefits that go beyond how you look in a swimsuit or a pair of jeans. It can have a positive impact on all aspects of your life – including your work life.



Forbes.com. “Fitness for Duty: Exercise Can Make You a Better Leader”

Active.com. “How Exercise Boosts Your Brainpower”

Psychother Psychosom. 2008;77(3):167-74.

Mayo Clinic. “Stress Management?

Huffington Post. “Exercise Could Relieve Stress And Anxiety Even After The Workout Is Over: Study”

Forbes.com. “Think Looks Don’t Matter? Think Again”

Wall Street Journal. “Want to Be CEO? What’s Your BMI?”

Financial Times. “Leaders needed who think outside the box”

Psychology Today. “The Athlete’s Way”

Br J Sports Med. Sep 1997; 31(3): 240-245.


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