Tag: white blood cells

Fifteen Foods and Drinks That Will Help You to Recover From the Flu

Fifteen Foods and Drinks That Will Help You to Recover From the Flu

Unfortunately, flu season is upon us once again. Although there are ways to reduce your risk of catching a flu virus, it is likely that you or a loved one will fall ill at some point during the colder months of the year. When you catch the flu, it can be hard to know what to eat to feel better and stay appropriately nourished. Take note of these ideas to help yourself and the members of your family to recover more quickly.

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Ten Fascinating Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

The cantaloupe is a member of the cucumber family, and it is the most popular type of melon. It is a juicy, fleshy fruit that tastes excellent as part of a dessert or a fruit salad, and many people enjoy simply snacking on cubes of raw cantaloupe. In addition, it turns out that the cantaloupe can improve your health by influencing a number of different parts of your body. Read on to discover the ten main reasons why eating more cantaloupes could improve and extend your life.

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insulin resistance

The Connection Between Insulin Resistance and Aging

Science is interested in aging. In fact, there is a whole field dedicated to the study of aging. Researchers who study centenarians have discovered three things that all people of advanced age have in common: low-sugar diets, low triglyceride levels, and low levels of insulin resistance. Of these factors, the most important is insulin resistance rates.

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