Tag: weight

5 Reasons Why Weight Fluctuates Day to Day

5 Reasons Why Weight Fluctuates Day to Day

Concerned about daily weight fluctuations? It’s not uncommon for weight to fluctuate by several pounds from one day to the next. That’s why it’s not a good idea to be obsessed with the numbers on the scale. Ever wonder why your weight jumps around on a daily basis? Here are five common cause of weight fluctuation that aren’t related to body fat.

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stress and weight gain

3 Surprising Ways Stress Causes Weight Gain

Although intuitively you might think stress would cause weight loss, often the opposite is true. Stress can cause weight gain and redistribution with more fat settling around your tummy and waistline. Have you ever wondered why stress causes weight gain? Here are three reasons why and steps you can take to prevent stress-related weight gain.

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Does weekend eating sabotage weight loss?

How Weekend Eating Sabotages Weight Loss

Are weekend overindulgences making it harder for you to lose weight? They may be doing more damage than you think. Find out what research shows about weekends and weight control, and how to indulge on the weekend without gaining weight.

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weight gain

Why Some People Are Resistant to Weight Gain

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be able to pile their plate high with calorie-rich foods and never gain an ounce? Genetics are certainly a factor, but at least one study has a different explanation. Find out what it is.

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