Tag: vitamin d

Plant-based foods high in calcium

5 Ways to Increase the Calcium You Absorb from Plant-Based Foods

Maintaining strong bones and teeth is one of calcium’s many functions. Dairy products are top sources of calcium, but if you don’t consume dairy, plant-based calcium sources are another option. One drawback is you don’t absorb as much calcium from plant-based foods. Here are five ways, backed by science, to boost the amount of calcium your body absorbs from plant-based foods. 

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Vitamins and Minerals

5 Vitamins and Minerals That Help Promote a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death and disability in America, and the biggest risk factors are diet and lifestyle. In this article, you will learn which vitamins and minerals contribute to your heart health, and you will also find out how much of each you need. 

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Vitamin D Supplement

The Worst Time to Take a Vitamin D Supplement

When you take a vitamin D supplement and what you take it with affects the benefits you get and how much you absorb. In this article you’ll discover the best and worst times to take vitamin D and how timing affects its absorption.

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4 Vitamins You Can Take Too Much Of

If you take too much of certain vitamins, it can, in some cases, lead to toxicity. Some vitamins your body can eliminate so efficiently that toxicity is unlikely. However, there are vitamins that can cause toxicity if you take too much in supplement form. Here are the ones you should know about.

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