Tag: vegetables

Healthjy Smoothie

7 Smart Strategies to Make Your Next Smoothie Healthier

Whipping up a smoothie is an effortless way to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. While some smoothies are low in sugar and high in nutrients, most aren’t that healthy. But if you’re a smoothie lover, you can make your own at home. This article looks at seven tips for making homemade smoothies healthier.

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Lasagna Vegetable Pasta

7 Ways to Make Pasta Healthier

Is pasta on your list of favorite foods? Some people avoid pasta because they believe it causes weight gain and is hard on their blood sugar. Although there is some truth to that, you can enjoy pasta in moderation and even turn a small plate of pasta into a healthy dish. Here are seven ways to do that.

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Organic Vegetables

If You Pick and Choose, These Are the Foods You Should Buy Organic

Buying organic is popular these days, as people want to limit their exposure to pesticides. However, buying organic can also put a strain on your budget. If that’s the case, there are certain items you should buy organic, and some you may not need to. Here’s a closer look at what you should definitely buy organic if your budget permits.

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