Tag: upper body workouts

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain?

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain?

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain? Since XTrain is an undulating workout and is all about giving you more options it has been designed so that you can easily switch or mix the various Xtrain upper body strength workouts each week. This is why both 10 rep and 16 rep XTrain upper body videos work the exact same muscle groups. Read on to learn why Cathe structured the XTrain upper body workouts the way she did.

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November Rotation

Hi Everyone! This November rotation will shock your body with a different program protocol each week. One week lighter, one week moderate to heavy, one week heavy and the final week is a circuit mixture. Week One Mon…..Power Hour Tues….Step Works Wed….. Sts Plyo Legs (week one) plus Coremax segment one Thurs…..Brisk power walking for

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