Tag: squat jumps

Squats and explosive power

Do Squats Build Explosive Power?

Do squats build power? If not, is there way to turn a squat into a power movement? Here are there squat variations that will help you build lower body explosive power for sprinting and jumping.

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Ramp Up Strength and Power with Plyometric Drills

Ramp Up Strength and Power with Plyometric Drills

Do you do plyometric moves? If you do jump squats or split squats, you’re tapping into the power of plyometrics. This form of training is popular with athletes trying to increase their vertical jump, but it’s also useful for developing strength and power. Find out how plyometric drills can help you get leaner, stronger and more powerful.

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Benefits of Jump Squats

Benefits of Jump Squats

If you weight train, you probably do squats. Squats are essential for building lower body strength and firm legs and buttocks. They also burn calories because you’re working large muscle groups. There’s another way to tone your lower body and build explosive power – with squat jumps. What are the benefits of adding squat jumps to your fitness routine?

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jumping ability

Improve Your Jumping Ability

There are many reasons why you would want to improve your jumping ability. Higher vertical jumps are the goal of nearly every basketball player; however, you don’t need to be a professional athlete in order to benefit. There are many simple ways to improve your jumping ability.

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