Tag: Post-Workout Nutrition

After a workout your body needs muscle glycogen

Refueling After a Workout: Your Muscles Are Screaming for Glycogen

Muscles love glycogen and they depend on having enough of it. Unfortunately, after an intense workout or one of long duration, muscle cells can be depleted of this important source of fuel. Find out more about the role muscle and liver glycogen play in exercise performance and why post-workout nutrition is so important.

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Tips for Timing Your Pre and Post-Workout Meals

Tips for Timing Your Pre and Post-Workout Meals

You need good nutrition to get the most out of a workout. What you eat before a workout will affect how you feel during and after your workout is over. What you eat afterwards can affect how quickly you recover and whether your muscles have the nutrition they need to grow. Here are some tips for timing your pre and post-workout nutrition.

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