Tag: overuse injuries

Cathe Friedrich strength training in her STS 2.0 Muscle & Recovery workout program that can help to prevent overuse injuries

5 Tips for Preventing Overuse Injuries in Strength Training

Discover five essential tips to prevent overuse injuries in your strength training journey! From perfecting your technique and making gradual progressions to addressing muscle imbalances and allowing adequate rest, these insights ensure a safe and effective approach to achieving your fitness goals.

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Factors That Increase Your Risk for Tendon Injury

Factors That Increase Your Risk for Tendon Injury

What could be more inconvenient and uncomfortable than a tendon injury, especially if it involves your lower extremities? Why are some people more at risk for tendon problems than others? This article discusses factors that increase the risk for tendinopathy.

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Is It Okay to Exercise With Tendonitis?

Is It Okay to Exercise With Tendonitis?

Tendonitis, often confused with a more common condition called tendinosis, is a painful problem that makes it more difficult to exercise. Is it safe to continue exercising with a tendon injury? Find out more about tendinopathies like tendonitis and tendinosis and why it’s important to modify your exercise routine.

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