
Tag: omega 3 fats

Dietary Fat: How Much Fat Should You Consume Each Day?

Dietary Fat: How Much Fat Should You Consume Each Day?

Fat gets a bad rap. Most people equate it with the jiggly stuff that makes their thighs look less firm and covers up their six-pack. The reality is dietary fat is an important part of any diet even if you’re trying to lose body fat. Despite the fact that fat is more calorie-dense than carbohydrates or protein, it helps you feel full so you eat less.

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Trying to Improve Muscle Strength? Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

Trying to Improve Muscle Strength? Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

Fatty fish, like salmon, sardines and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory effects. Evidences also show that an omega-3 rich diet helps stabilize your mood and reduce your blood pressure. Now there is another reason to make these heart-healthy fats a part of your daily diet. Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that omega-3 fats may enhance your muscle strength and help you derive extra benefits from your strength-training program as you get older. And, getting physically stronger can help you add years to your life.

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Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Increase Muscle Strength?

Do Omega-3 Fatty Acids Increase Muscle Strength?

Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may offer protection against some diseases including heart disease. Now there’s evidence that omega-3 fatty acids may help you get more benefits out of a strength-training program. Here’s why.

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Does the Type of Fat You Eat Affect Your Memory?

Does the Type of Fat You Eat Affect Your Memory?

Who doesn’t want to preserve their brain cells and memory as they age? Unfortunately, cognitive decline is all too common with age. On the plus side, there’s evidence that changing the type of fats in your diet may have an impact on brain aging and how sharp your memory is. Find out more about fats, brain function and memory.

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Fatty Fish

Eat This Type of Protein to Live Longer

You need protein in your diet and there are a variety of ways to get it. There are some compelling reasons to get at least a portion of your protein from fatty fish. According to a new study, it could help to prolong your life.

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Boost Your Vitamin D With These Healthy Foods

Boost Your Vitamin D With These Healthy Foods

Vitamin D plays a critical role in nearly every system of the body, including immune function, cell growth, the central nervous system and the inflammatory response. Adequate levels are essential for proper bone health, and numerous studies suggest that higher levels of vitamin D may protect against cancers of the breast, colon and prostate, as well as heart attacks.

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anti-inflammatory diet

Can You Improve Your Health by Eating an Anti-Inflammatory Diet?

“Silent” inflammation is thought to contribute to a variety of diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases and even Alzheimer’s disease. Many people have this type of low-grade inflammation without being aware of it, and diet plays a role. This article discusses the importance of eating an anti-inflammatory diet for good health and how best to do it.

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