Tag: obesity

Are Cell Phones Making People Less Fit?

Are Cell Phones Making People Less Fit?

Are cell phones and smartphones making people less fit? Find out what a new study shows about the impact cell phones have on fitness and activity level and how your smartphone can help you get fitter instead of fatter.

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A Novel Way Exercise Affects Fat Cells

A Novel Way Exercise Affects Fat Cells

You already know resistance exercise affects muscle cells, causing them to hypertrophy and become larger, and exercise in general helps with loss of body fat. Here’s a novel idea – can exercise actually affect the genes that control the growth of fat cells? Researchers at the Lund University think so. Here’s why.

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Does Exercise Turn White Fat Into Brown Fat?

Does Exercise Turn White Fat Into Brown Fat?

Can high-intensity exercise change bad white fat to good brown fat? That’s what a new study shows. There’s a certain type of fat that’s less efficient than the fat you store on your hips and tummy. Instead of storing the calories you take in – it converts them to heat. Would you like more of this type of fat and less of the other? Exercise may be one way to get it. Find out why and how you can get the benefits.

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How birth weight affects your risk for obesity

How Birth Weight Affects Your Risk for Obesity

Genetics are one factor that impact a person’s risk for obesity, but genetics can be modified by environment – but it’s important to start early. Recent research shows the roots of obesity may extend all the way back to in utero and that factors like birth weight have a major influence. Find out how birth weight influences later risk for obesity and other “early” factors that affect the risk.

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Weight Loss Timing: Can Obesity Become Irreversible?

Weight Loss Timing: Can Obesity Become Irreversible?

Is there a time element to weight loss? According to a new study, being overweight or obese for a long period of time without taking steps to correct it, could make it harder to reach and maintain an ideal body weight when you finally make the necessary lifestyle changes. Find out why it’s not a good idea to put off losing weight until tomorrow.

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Leptin Resistance and the Obesity Epidemic

Leptin Resistance and the Obesity Epidemic

Obesity is now considered a disease by the World Health Organization and it is rampant in our society. And there is a distinct correlation between the obesity epidemic and human hormonal activity. Leptin is an important hormone that sends a signal to your brain telling you when you are full. Leptin and leptin resistance also determines how you store fat and determines when you should burn the excess.

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How Cathe Helped Get My Teenagers Moving by Kelley

A few years ago I used Cathe DVDs to lose 30 pounds. I have been able to keep off the weight and build muscle. In my pursuit of fitness, my family has benefited as well. I began to experiment with healthier cooking and kept my family educated with the latest nutrition and health information. Over

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