Tag: muscle soreness

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

What Works and Doesn’t Work for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

If you work out, you’re familiar with the soreness you get after a workout your muscles are unaccustomed to. That soreness, called DOMS, can last for up to a week. Is there anything you can do about the pain and stiffness? In this article, you’ll learn what science shows works and doesn’t work for after-workout muscle soreness.

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5 Ways Coffee Can Impact Your Workout

Did you know that coffee is an ergogenic aid, a performance enhancer? However, having a cup of coffee or two before a workout has its pros and cons. Here are five ways consuming caffeinated coffee before a workout can impact your routine.

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Ice Baths

Are Ice Baths Helpful or Harmful for Muscle Growth?

Athletes are fond of dunking their muscles they just worked into ice baths for 10 minutes or more after a workout. They do this based on the idea that cold water reduces muscle soreness and aids in muscle recovery. However, there is some evidence that doing so may have an unexpected negative impact on muscle recovery and growth.

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Muscle Soreness

Does Stretching Reduce Soreness after a Workout?

Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is muscle stiffness and soreness that comes after doing a workout you aren’t accustomed to. Can stretching before or after a workout reduce this type of after-workout soreness? Find out what research shows about stretching and muscle soreness and other ways to ease the discomfort of DOMS.

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Can an amino acid help to prevent delayed onset muscle soreness?

Can an Amino Acid Prevent Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness?

Delayed onset muscle soreness is common after a training session where you worked your muscles harder than they’re accustomed to.  But it would be nice to be able to ease that soreness or at least make it more manageable. Can you lessen the degree of muscle soreness you experience by getting more of a particular amino acid?

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