Tag: muscle fibers

Can You Build Muscle Strength Without Increasing Muscle Mass?

Can You Build Muscle Strength Without Increasing Muscle Mass?

Most women don’t have to worry about getting bulky. Still, some women want to focus on muscle strength without building muscle mass. Is that possible? This article talks about how training impacts muscle strength and muscle size and whether it’s possible to increase muscle strength without increasing size.

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Can you do long periods of endurance exercise with ease or are you better at power moves like jumping or sprinting? This may be partially explained by the type of muscle fibers you have a predominance of. Find out more about muscle fiber types, how they’re different from each other and how they impact athletic performance.

Muscle Fiber Types: How They Impact Exercise Performance

Can you do long periods of endurance exercise with ease or are you better at power moves like jumping or sprinting? This may be partially explained by the muscle fiber Types you have a predominance of. Find out more about muscle fiber types, how they’re different from each other and how they impact athletic performance.

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5 Factors That Impact Exercise Recovery

5 Factors That Impact Exercise Recovery

Exercise recovery is important for fitness gains and muscle growth to take place. It’s during “down time” that muscles repair so that change can occur. A number of factors can impact exercise recovery. This article discusses five of those.

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The Role of Lactate for Improving Body Composition

The Role of Lactate for Improving Body Composition

Lactate has some positive benefits when it comes to building lean body composition. Find out how this poorly understood compound that builds up during intense exercise helps you get slimmer and more defined. You’ll also discover how to get the benefits of lactate training.

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XTrain Scarecrow 100 Rep Challenge With Jai

This is a picture of Jai doing a shoulder exercise called a scarecrow during a 100 rep challenge.  There are different reasons why Cathe selected certain exercises for the 100 rep challenges, but the scarecrow was chosen because it is an exercise that works and strengthens your rotator cuff. Shoulder injuries are the most common

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Exactly What Is Muscle Memory?

You haven’t ridden a bicycle in years. Yet despite your lack of recent pedaling experience, you’re still able to hop on a bike and go for a spin. Ever wondered why? It all has to do with “muscle memory.” Despite the name, muscle memory really has more to do with brain pathways than it does muscle fibers. Here’s why muscle memory is such a powerful force when it comes to riding a bike or maintaining a toned physique.

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