Tag: macadamia nuts

Foods That Contain Healthy Fats

Foods That Contain Healthy Fats

Although many foods contain unhealthy saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, a number of foods contain healthy fats that are good for you. Consuming foods that contain healthy fats is best since fat is a necessary part of a healthy diet, but since fat is high in calories, you may want to limit the amount of fat you take in. The following list of foods supply you with beneficial fats like monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Both of these types of fat are helpful in the prevention of heart disease, or a stroke.

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Health Benefits of Nuts

5 Fitness-Friendly Nuts to Add to Your Diet

All nuts have health benefits, but each nut has a particular strength when it comes to keeping you fit and healthy. If you’re trying to stay in shape, here are five nuts you’ll want to add to the nut mix. Find out what makes them so fitness friendly.

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eating nuts

5 Tips for Eating Nuts Without Gaining Weight

Nuts are a healthy and nutritious snack, but they’re not low in calories. Many people enjoy their crunchiness so much that they find it hard to stop. Here are five ways to enjoy the health benefits of nuts as a snack without “overdoing” it.

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