
Tag: little boys

Successfully a work in progress by Stephanie

Nine years ago, the best thing happened to me, I became a mom. Since then, I have been blessed with two more children, bringing the grand total to three amazing little boys. With my babies came joy, elation, adoration… and many, many unwanted pounds. Luckily, after my second child was born six years ago, I

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Living a Healthy Life because of Cathe by Lacy

I discovered Cathe’s workouts on FitTV three years ago. I remember seeing one and thinking it looked really fun and challenging so I decided to try it. The first workout I tried was a step workout and, having never done anything like it before and not being the most coordinated person, I was so frustrated

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Continued Success by Tracy Simmons

I was first introduced to Cathe more than 10 years ago while reading a fitness magazine. I was a single gal in my mid twenties looking to make a change. I had been going to the gym for years and had even worked with numerous personal trainers. I was fit but never really satisfied with

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