Tag: lean body mass

The Role of Lactate for Improving Body Composition

The Role of Lactate for Improving Body Composition

Lactate has some positive benefits when it comes to building lean body composition. Find out how this poorly understood compound that builds up during intense exercise helps you get slimmer and more defined. You’ll also discover how to get the benefits of lactate training.

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5 Nutritional Habits That Boost Fat Loss

5 Nutritional Habits That Boost Fat Loss

If you’re working out regularly and aren’t losing weight and fat, it’s time to scrutinize your diet. Many people assume that because they’re exercising they can be lax with their diet. On the other hand, drastically reducing calories isn’t the answer. Here are five diet and nutrition guidelines that’ll help you get more results from your fitness program.

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Are You a High Responder or Low Responder to Aerobic Exercise?

Are You a High Responder or Low Responder to Aerobic Exercise?

Not everyone responds the same to exercise. Some people see visible results faster than others. People who have more of an ectomorphic body type have to work harder and take in more calories to build muscle. On the other hand, mesomorphs gain muscle definition quickly. What about endurance exercise? Just as there are differences in how quickly people can build lean body mass, there are variations in individual responses to cardiovascular exercise.

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Staying Healthy as You Age: Two Types of Exercise to Emphasize

Staying Healthy as You Age: Two Types of Exercise to Emphasize

Exercise can reduce the risk of health problems. It can also prevent some loss of lean body mass and drop in metabolism that occurs with age. Now a new study shows that a combination of lower-body strength training and balance exercises can reduce the risk of falls and injuries as we grow older. Discover why it’s important to work on lower-body strength and balance – and a simple test to see how good your sense of balance is.

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