Tag: hypertrophy

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain?

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain?

So why do we offer two types of Upper Body Workouts in XTrain? Since XTrain is an undulating workout and is all about giving you more options it has been designed so that you can easily switch or mix the various Xtrain upper body strength workouts each week. This is why both 10 rep and 16 rep XTrain upper body videos work the exact same muscle groups. Read on to learn why Cathe structured the XTrain upper body workouts the way she did.

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Fitness Q & A: What Is Hypertrophy?

An easy way to remember the meaning of hypertrophy is to think of the meaning of atrophy. An atrophied muscle is one that has become smaller through lack of use. Hypertrophy refers to the process of making muscles larger through resistance training.

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Weak from cancer treatment to Strong from Cathe by Connie S

I’ve been a proud Cathlete for last 12 years. My final chemo treatment- for my second round of gynecologic cancer in 2 years- was September 15 in 2010. Seven months later on April 11 I had recovered enough to start on a fitness journey that I had been longing to go on for years. Cathe

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The Science Really Works by Natalie

I have been working out with Cathe for several years now. With Cathe and my high school aerobics teacher they both got me into loving fitness and health so much that I wanted to do it for my own job. I now just received my Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science and have been certified as

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Disc #24 – Back & Biceps – Drop Sets

To view YouTube clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcG5KnrxZaM Hang on to your hats because we are going on an intense ride (wait until you see the faces in this workout, ha). This YouTube clip features a segment from our Back and Bicep workout from Mesocycle 2 (hypertrophy phase) and we’re showing you an example of two

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STS Disc #19 Meso #2 Week #3

To view clip go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbYuvdKoTps Here is another clip for you to enjoy! This clip is from Mesocycle Two, our Hypertrophy Phase, and we are doing Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. This is the Mesocycle that ramps it to the next level. While the previous Mesocycle (Muscle Endurance) kept thing moving faster with lighter weight,

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Standing Front Press

Cathe doing a Standing Front Presss during STS Meso #2 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. This is the last picture for tonight, but we still have many more pictures from other mesocycles and workouts to share with you. So keep visiting the Blog for more STS pictures and details.

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