Tag: high blood pressure

What type of exercise can lower blood pressure.

2 Types of Exercise That Lower Blood Pressure

Can exercise alone lower your blood pressure? Two types of exercise have the greatest impact on blood pressure and your risk of developing hypertension. Find out what they are and other things you can do to keep your heart and blood vessels healthy.

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The fight against weight-related diseases and type 2 diabetes

Eating and Living Healthier: The Fight Against Weight-Related Diseases

In 2002 Christine Castillo learned she had Type 2 diabetes. She was 56 and had just become the guardian of six grandchildren. Prior to her diagnosis, she also suffered from high blood pressure. Unfortunately for Castillo, these diseases not only run in her family, but they also relate to weight. Castillo, who is 5-feet and weighs over 200 pounds, worked hard to get her nutrition and weight under control, but it didn’t take long for that to change.

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