Tag: Healthy Recipe’s

Rewire Your Tastebuds to Enjoy Healthy Food

Can You Rewire Your Tastebuds to Enjoy Healthy Food?

The allure of indulgent, unhealthy foods often overshadows our best intentions to eat smarter.  But can you train yourself to overcome the allure of unhealthy foods and embrace a healthy lifestyle? Let’s first look at reasons why unhealthy foods are so tempting and then look at how to loosen their grip on your brain and tastebuds.

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Four Super-Charged Green Smoothie Recipes

Four Super-Charged Green Smoothie Recipes

Drinking a glass of green smoothie each morning is a great way to incorporate an extra serving or two of leafy greens into your daily diet. Leafy greens like spinach and collard greens are packed full of important minerals like iron and calcium, and they’re also high in vitamins A and K. When making green smoothies, it’s important to remember to vary the greens that you use. There is no better time than today to adopt a green smoothie habit. Here are a few tasty recipes to get you started.

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