Tag: food

5 Food Label Deceptions to Watch Out For

5 Food Label Deceptions to Watch Out For

It’s best to buy whole, unprocessed foods but when you do buy something in a package, think before you buy. Food manufacturers want you to think their products are healthy and do their best to portray them in a favorable light. Here are five food label deceptions they sometimes use.

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What Food Cravings Could Be Trying to Tell You

What Food Cravings Could Be Trying to Tell You

We all have them from time to time – those insatiable food cravings for specific foods. You could crave something salty, sweet, or fatty. Or you could crave one specific food like chocolate. Assuming that they are not brought on by emotions, cravings could be trying to tell you that you have a nutritional deficiency. Here are some of the most common cravings and what to eat to satisfy them.

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Fake Food Ingredients: Do You Know What You're Really Eating?

Fake Food Ingredients: Do You Know What You’re Really Eating?

You feel good about taking the time to read food labels when you buy a product. Unfortunately, that may not be enough. The USP points out that “food fraud” is on the rise. That means that when you buy packaged foods, what’s on the label may not be what you’re getting. Find out more food fraud and fakery and how to protect yourself from it.

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How the Way You Chew Impacts Your Weight

How the Way You Chew Impacts Your Weight

How do you chew your food? It matters when it comes to controlling your weight. Find out what research shows about your chewing style and how it affects how much you eat and how quickly you get full. Find out more about the science of chewing and satiety.

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eat less

Changing How You See Food Can Help You Eat Less

What if you ate a cookie that looked like it was twice as large as it actually was? Would you feel full faster? Find out how your perception of how much you’re eating and other food cues affect how quickly you get full – and how to use this to your advantage.

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Quinoa: How the Super Food Can Benefit You

Quinoa, a protein rich grain-like seed, has caught the attention of nutritionist and dieters alike. The super food is high in fiber and packed full of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Unlike most other superfoods, quinoa is cheap and readily available in the majority of grocery stores. Here are just a few ways that quinoa’s unique nutritional makeup can benefit a healthy diet:

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food swaps

Simple Food Swaps for a Healthy Diet

Food swapping allows you to cook the same meals and increase their nutritional density. If you make a conscious effort to replace one ingredient in every meal with a healthier option, your diet, and your health, will improve. This article will give you some healthy suggestions.

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