Tag: Exercise Adaptations

Exercise routine

Shake It Up! When Your Exercise Routine Becomes Too Routine

Starting an exercise program is admirable and if you stick with it, you’ll be rewarded with a fitter, healthier body. Some of the rewards of working out, like a sense of accomplishment and better mental health, will show up right away. Others, like strength gains, take longer, but to see those benefits, you have to enjoy your workout enough to keep doing it. Here’s how to keep your workouts from becoming too routine.

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Antioxidants help fight free radicals, but can you get too many.

Can You Get Too Many Antioxidants?

We think of antioxidants as being protective against free radicals, disease and against aging – but can you get too much of a good thing? This article looks at the role antioxidants play in health and why antioxidant supplements may actually be harmful. 

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