Tag: desire to eat


5 Types of Foods that Increase Cravings

Cravings for sugar and other unhealthy fare is a problem that affects people of all ages. Emotional factors and stress play a role, but what you eat also influences sugar cravings. Here are five types of foods to avoid. 

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Controlling the Munchies: 5 Tips for Taming Your Appetite Hormones

Controlling the Munchies: 5 Tips for Taming Your Appetite Hormones

Appetite hormones control your appetite, no surprise there. Some appetite hormones like leptin reduce your desire to eat while other like ghrelin increases hunger. Unfortunately, sometimes appetite hormones are out of balance and work against efforts to lose weight. Read on and discover five ways for taming your appetite hormones.

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How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

What is it that motivates you to eat – or to overeat? Your appetite is regulated by a complex group of peptides including appetite hormones like leptin, produced by fat cells. Leptin turns off your appetite and reduces the desire to eat. Ghrelin, a hormone produced by the lining of your stomach has the opposite effect – it strongly stimulates the desire to eat. Think mad rush to the refrigerator! These hormones exert their effects on a portion of your brain called the hypothalamus.

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