Tag: circadian rhythms

Time Restricted Eating

5 Powerful Health Benefits of Time Restricted Eating

Could changing your eating schedule improve your health? From weight loss and improved metabolic health to cardiovascular wellness, circadian rhythm alignment, and potential longevity benefits, this article unveils the transformative impact of deliberately adjusting your eating patterns for overall well-being.

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Genes and Body Weight

5 Ways Genes Impact Body Weight

You might think bad genetics are making it hard to lose weight. Although lifestyle habits are more important than your genes for weight control, there are genes that can affect how easy it is to lose weight. Here’s what you should know.

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calories burned depending on time of day

Do You Burn More Calories at Certain Times of Day?

Many bodily functions vary with the time of day. But what about your metabolism? Do you burn more calories at certain times of days than others? Find out what research shows about how metabolism changes throughout the day and how this can impact weight control.

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How Circadian Rhythms Affect Your Body Weight

How Circadian Rhythms Affect Your Body Weight

How you exercise and what you eat certainly impacts your weight, but there are a number of other factors that make it easier or harder to control your weight. One of these is the internal clock that controls your natural rhythms called circadian rhythms. Find out how changes in circadian rhythms can lead to weight gain and what to do to keep your clock properly “set.”

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Your biological clock

How Ignoring Your Biological Clock Contributes to Weight Gain

Having trouble controlling your weight? There’s increasing evidence that being at odds with your biological clock makes it harder to control your appetite and may alter your metabolism as well. Find out why heading to bed earlier and sleeping in total darkness works works in your favor when it comes to weight control.

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