
Tag: cataracts

Can diet or supplements help to reduce your risk of cataracts

Can Diet or Supplements Lower the Risk of Cataracts?

Can diet or supplements lower your risk of cataracts? Eating certain foods and, possibly, taking certain supplements may be beneficial for eye health. Here’s what science says about diet, supplements, and whether they help to lower the risk of cataracts.

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The Eye Diet: What to Eat to Protect Your Vision

What could be more important than your eye vision? Unfortunately, two causes of visual loss – cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, become more common after the age of 50. The good news? Dietary changes could help you avoid these common causes of visual eye problems as you age. Here’s what to eat.

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Twelve Fascinating Health Benefits of Blueberries

Twelve Fascinating Health Benefits of Blueberries

Blueberries are deliciously sweet when eaten alone or with yogurt, and they are also among the very best fruits to consume if you want to improve your overall health. They have a positive impact on many parts of the human body, ranging from the brain to the blood. Read on to discover twelve reasons why you should add more blueberries to your diet.

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Ten Fascinating Health Benefits of Cantaloupe

The cantaloupe is a member of the cucumber family, and it is the most popular type of melon. It is a juicy, fleshy fruit that tastes excellent as part of a dessert or a fruit salad, and many people enjoy simply snacking on cubes of raw cantaloupe. In addition, it turns out that the cantaloupe can improve your health by influencing a number of different parts of your body. Read on to discover the ten main reasons why eating more cantaloupes could improve and extend your life.

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