Tag: breast cancer

Are High-Sugar Diets Linked with Breast Cancer?

Are High-Sugar Diets Linked with Breast Cancer?

You probably already know that a diet high in sugar isn’t healthy. Recent research shows a link between sugar consumption and a higher risk for heart disease. Now, a new study finds a link between a high-sugar diet and breast cancer. Find out how and why sugar may fuel the growth of breast tumors.

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5 Cancers That Exercise Reduces Your Risk For

5 Cancers That Exercise Reduces Your Risk For

Can exercise lower your risk for getting cancer if you’re a woman? For certain cancers, the answer seems to be yes. Find out five cancers that are common in women that exercise reduces your risk for. Another reason to keep working out!

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How Exercise Impacts Your Menstrual Cycle

How Exercise Impacts Your Menstrual Cycle

Exercise impacts every area of your life, doesn’t it? That’s why it shouldn’t be surprising that it can affect your menstrual cycle. Find out how vigorous exercise affects your cycle and what it means to your overall health.

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Nine Fascinating Health Benefits of Apples

Nine Fascinating Health Benefits of Apples

Apples are cheap, delicious, and come in a wide variety of different flavors (ranging from the very sour to the very sweet). As it turns out, they are also good for your body in a number of interesting ways, and so an apple a day may well indeed help to keep the doctor away. Read on to discover nine surprising and significant reasons why you should add more apples to your diet.

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Does exercise reduce your cancer risk?

Does Exercise Reduce the Risk of Cancer?

The thought of getting cancer is a scary one for most people. You can reduce your risk of some types of cancer by not smoking and eating a healthy diet, but what about exercise? Can exercise reduce the risk, and what type is best?

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Ten Fruits That Will Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cancer

Ten Fruits That Will Reduce Your Risk of Developing Cancer

We are constantly reminded to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, but we are not always told why. As it turns out, one of the major benefits that comes with eating lots of fruit is a substantially lowered risk of developing certain kind of cancers. Read on to find out which fruits have the most powerful anti-cancer properties, and to discover which fruits are correlated with a reduction in which cancers.

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Eleven Fascinating Health Benefits of Avocados

Avocados have leathery skin and are an extremely popular component of guacamole and salads. They get some bad press because of their high-calorie content, but it turns out that they are incredibly good for your health in a number of important ways.

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