Tag: box jumps

Box Jumps

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Doing Box Jumps

Box jumps are a plyometric exercise that helps build strength and power. There are many reasons to add them to your fitness routine, but if you do, do it safely. Here are five common mistakes people make when doing box jumps that costs them gains and increase the risk of injury.

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Ramp Up Strength and Power with Plyometric Drills

Ramp Up Strength and Power with Plyometric Drills

Do you do plyometric moves? If you do jump squats or split squats, you’re tapping into the power of plyometrics. This form of training is popular with athletes trying to increase their vertical jump, but it’s also useful for developing strength and power. Find out how plyometric drills can help you get leaner, stronger and more powerful.

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