Tag: appetite

sugar cravings

Understanding and Overcoming Sugar Cravings

Though sugar cravings are nearly universal, we often fear and demonize these feelings while blaming ourselves for a supposed lack of self-discipline. Restriction of problem foods leads to feelings of deprivation, causing binging and remorse in an unhealthy cycle of see-saw dieting. Health experts offer a gentler and more holistic point of view on our unending hunger, citing cravings as a great starting point for understanding what our bodies’ true needs are.

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leptin resistance

What Is Leptin Resistance and How Does It Affect Your Ability to Lose Weight?

Leptin resistance is a common problem among people who are overweight and obese, and it makes it considerably more challenging to lose weight and maintain it. There are natural ways to reduce inflammation, which should have an impact on leptin resistance. Eliminate processed foods and high-glycemic carbs, and add more fruits, vegetables and fatty fish to your diet.

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