Tag: appetite

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

How Brain Neurotransmitters Make It Easier or Harder to Control Your Appetite

What is it that motivates you to eat – or to overeat? Your appetite is regulated by a complex group of peptides including appetite hormones like leptin, produced by fat cells. Leptin turns off your appetite and reduces the desire to eat. Ghrelin, a hormone produced by the lining of your stomach has the opposite effect – it strongly stimulates the desire to eat. Think mad rush to the refrigerator! These hormones exert their effects on a portion of your brain called the hypothalamus.

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How the Way You Chew Impacts Your Weight

How the Way You Chew Impacts Your Weight

How do you chew your food? It matters when it comes to controlling your weight. Find out what research shows about your chewing style and how it affects how much you eat and how quickly you get full. Find out more about the science of chewing and satiety.

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Can a food's aroma affect how much you eat?

Can a Food’s Aroma Affect How Much You Eat?

Sensory cues are important for controlling appetite and satiety. People generally eat less when a food is thicker or creamer. A food’s aroma also appears to have an impact. Research shows that when foods have a stronger odor, we take smaller bite sizes, and ultimately eat less. Find out how you can use this and other sensory cues to control how much you eat.

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Sleep and Appetite: Men and Women Respond Differently to Too Little Sleep

Sleep and Appetite: Men and Women Respond Differently to Too Little Sleep

Short periods of sleep have been linked with weight gain and an increase in appetite. Now, a new study shows that skimping on sleep may impact women different than men. Find out how the two sexes differ in their response to too little sleep and how this impacts appetite and food consumption. You’ll also discover tips for getting better quality sleep.

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Food Cravings? the Role Brain Chemicals Play

Food Cravings? the Role Brain Chemicals Play

What goes on in your brain has a direct influence on how much you eat, food cravings and the types of foods you choose. One brain chemical in particular, dopamine, plays an especially important role in keeping food cravings in check. Find out what role it plays and ways to maximize its benefits through diet and lifestyle.

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Do Some Types of Fat Make It Harder to Control Your Appetite?

Do Some Types of Fat Make It Harder to Control Your Appetite?

Are you having problems controlling your appetite? Try changing the types of fats you eat. A recent study shows that certain types of fat can interfere with appetite hormones like leptin and make it easier to overeat. Find out what types of fats to cut back on and what you can replace them with.

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