STS Workout Series

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Do something different every workout and you will finally see the results!

Only the STS three month workout system gives you a different workout every time. This is important to you because your body and muscles quickly adapt to doing the same workout each week causing plateaus that slow your progress and results.

Who is Cathe Friedrich?

Cathe has taught group fitness for over 26 years and is known worldwide through her 120 plus workout titles as one of the most advanced fitness instructors. Recognized as a leading innovator of the home exercise video industry and credited for creating one of the first ‘step’ aerobic videos, Cathe is renowned for the most challenging, fun, intense and innovative videos on the market.

She holds a long time primary certification through ACE along with specialty fitness certifications in areas such as Body Pump, Indoor Cycling, Kickboxing, Boxing, Prenatal fitness, Resist-A-Ball, Yoga Fit, and more. Her award winning fitness workouts have been featured in the New York Times, Dallas News, Philadelphia Inquirer, as well as Shape, Oxygen, Self, Health, Fit, Consumer Digest and Fitness magazines.

What are people saying?

“To Cathe, and her staff, and everyone else responsible for this awesome program, I want to say thank you. I’m certain this will resolve a problem I’ve had for a while – establishing an effective at-home program to increase lean muscle.”


“This series is like watching a blu-ray movie. The picture is so clear, I love the interactive menus and the sound/music is excellent. It is nothing like the traditional exercise dvd. It is very impressive work.”

– Murphy

“Before I got STS, I was impressed with the online tools available to us (Workout Manager, Nutrition Manager), but when you consider the online tools together with the amazing package that is STS, we’ve probably got the most cutting-edge fitness package available anywhere. This beats gym memberships and any other options, DVD-based or otherwise”.

–Sue NJ