Cathe Legacy OnDemand Channel On Roku

Cathe OnDemand Legacy app

How to Access Our Legacy Cathe OnDemand Channel on Your Roku 3+

Our legacy Roku app is still available and you may continue to use it for now, but sometime later this year it will be retired because the computer language it is written in “Bright Script” will no longer be supported by Roku starting in 2019.

If you have a Roku 3+* or newer device and would like to view Cathe’s OnDemand channel on it, first make sure that you have an active Cathe OnDemand subscription by going to, then follow these steps:

• Go to this URL on your computer’s web browser: You will be required to log in to your Roku account that you created when you first registered your device with them. After logging in, click on the link that appears to install the Cathe OnDemand channel.

• It normally takes about 24 hours for the channel to appear on your Roku 3, but if you’d like to speed that up, go to Settings > System > System Restart on your device—which will reboot it—after which Cathe OnDemand will appear at the bottom of your channel list.

• Launch the Cathe OnDemand app on your Roku 3, and you will be given a code/token to activate your device. Again, go to and enter the code at the bottom of your account page where indicated, and click on “Submit.” Pay close attention to ones and capital letter I’s (the ones have a serif at the top), and zeroes and capital letter O’s (the zero is more oval, the O is more round).

• You should then be able to click on “Proceed” and then “Start” on your Roku, then get ready to get busy with Cathe!

*Our OnDemand videos have only been tested on Roku 3+ devices (although Roku will let you install the channel on older/lower model devices—there is no way for us to control this). Older Roku devices may not work correctly because of their inability to decode high quality HD video reliably.


Related Information:

New Cathe OnDemand Roku Next Generation Channel Instructions