Category: Success Stories

Menopause is no reason to get fat! by Tiffany

In February 201,2 poor eating habits had left me overweight and miserable. None of my clothing was fitting any more. I had slacked off my workouts.I began to look bloated. When I went to my doctor for my annual exam she told me my blood sugar was high. After further testing I learned that I

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Passing down a love of fitness by llavoie

At 40-something I feel physically and mentally healthier than ever, and as a bonus I look better now than I did in my 20s AND 30s. The way I feel and look is due in large part to using exercise videos, especially Cathe’s since I own quite the collection. Let’s just say that with the

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A Decade with Cathe by Abigail

Recently I realized that I have been an avid Cathlete for nearly a decade. I remember my first Cathe videos as I transitioned up out of The Firm workouts. I had discovered fire, in a sense. I still feel that way. A new Cathe video gives me a charge like nothing else. I know that

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A Dream Of A 61 Year Old Woman by Jane McBride

Before I asked Cathe for help in January of this year, I was diagnosed with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With those who have this disease you know how devastating this can be on simply living. The doctors tried to help me with drugs, but with every drug they prescribed me, the effect was worse on

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Hard Work and Triumph by Amy

I was a very sick little girl when I was 10 years old; I had developed the autoimmune disease type one diabetes so my body had stopped producing insulin and I was cannibalizing myself in order to have enough energy to move through my day. Ten years later I was doing great (I have taken

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Cathe carried me through pregnancy by Sarah

In June of 2006, my then fiancé told me that I should start running. It would be good for my lungs and heart and overall health. I had never been a runner, and not really much of an exerciser either, but I decided I would give it a try. When I started out, I could

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Bye, Bye Back Fat. Hello Muscles! by Jennifer

I’ve been working out with Cathe for two years. Over the first four months, I achieved my weight loss goal of thirty pounds. Once I met my goals, I continued working out with Cathe to improve my cardio vascular health as well as stave off depression. I tried many of her workouts, but was limited

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A Plateau Breakthrough!

I’ve been working out with Cathe for 10 years and enjoy ALL of her DVDs… Cathe has helped through so many milestones in my life… getting my body back after the birth of both my boys, getting me strong and fit as I trained for 2 marathons and just putting a smile on my face

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How the Low Impact Series Got Me Back on My Feet by Heather

This fall, I caught a cold. It turned into a sinus infection that rapidly progressed into a nasty case of bronchitis. From January to September, I had faithfully been using Cathe workouts including Athletic Step, Butts and Gutts, Hiit, and a variety of shock cardio workouts that included blast elements. In nine months, I lost

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