Now back to Meso #3 Pictures
Cathe doing a One Arm Row (horizontial grip during STS Meso #3
Cathe doing a One Arm Row (horizontial grip during STS Meso #3
Strength Bar/Pull-Up Tower (Patent Pending) You can even use our new Strength Bar/Pull-Up Tower (Patent Pending) to do Incline Bench Presses as Cathe is shown doing in STS Meso #3.
Patent Pending Okay, maybe not a new world Bench Press record, but the above STS picture clearly demonstrates why our new Strength Bar/Pull-Up Tower (Patent Pending) was needed. The above picture shows Cathe doing a flat bench press for 8 reps at near her body weight in Mesocycle #3. Without a bench press or a
As of today we’re about 60% done with the filming phase of STS. We currently are filming just about every other day and sometimes more. At our current rate we should finish all filming sometime towards the end of next week. NFL Films has been working 24/7 on STS since filming began several weeks ago.
Cathe doing Inner Thigh Lifts with Ankle Weights during STS Meso #1 – Legs
Stuart takes a well deserved stretch during STS Meso #1 – Legs
We still have just a few more pictures from STS Meso #1- Legs to share with you that we didn’t have time to post the other day. In the above picture Cathe performs a Supine Outer Thigh Press with a band
Cathe performs a Standing Back Kicks with a Band during STS meso #1 -legs
Lorraine and Jai doing Standing Back Press with Band during STS Meso #1 – Legs
Cathe performs One Leg Roll-Ins on a stability ball during STS Meso #1 – Legs