Barbell Squats in a Saftey Rack
Greg squatting some heavy weights inside a safety rack called a T-Rex during STS Meso #3 – Optional Leg Workout.
Greg squatting some heavy weights inside a safety rack called a T-Rex during STS Meso #3 – Optional Leg Workout.
Deazie doing a barbell squat with a weighted vest during STS Meso #3 – Optional Leg Workout. To do a true strength workout you will probably need to use a squat rack, but the weighted vest option will allow people who don’t have a squat rack to still do this routine and get a workout
Lorraine doing a barbell squat with a weighted vest during STS Meso #3 – Optional Leg Workout
Pictured above in the STS Meso #3 Optional – Leg group shot. (Lorraine, Cathe, Robert, Lorraine, Deazie and Greg) This is a very basic, but extremely effective and tough workout. You will use the 5% method and do 4 exercises (Squats, Stiff Legged Deadlifts, Front Squats and Static Lunges) for 4 sets each for your
Pictured above in the STS Meso #3 Plyo – Leg group shot. (Stuart, Jai, Cathe, Lorraine, Deazie and Greg) Mesocycle #3 features two different types of Leg workouts:First, in the Plyo-Leg lower body workouts ( 4 workouts) you will use a mix of traditional endurance weighted exercises using weights that are about 70 percent of
Deazie and Denise doing Rope Climbers during STS Ab Circuits
Deazie and Denise doing Single Leg Lift Crunches during STS Ab Circuits
Cathe and Lorraine doing Opposite Elbow to Knee Weighted Lifts during STS Ab Circuits