Beverage Calories: It’s Not Just What You Put on Your Plate That Keeps You From Losing Weight

Beverage Calories: It's Not Just What You Put on Your Plate That Keeps You From Losing WeightIt’s not just what you put on your plate that’s important for controlling your weight; it’s what you put in your cup too. According to a new study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, switching to calorie-free beverages is a simple change people can make to lose up to five pounds without making any other dietary changes.

Liquid Calories Count

In this study, researchers compared the amount of weight of three different groups of overweight people lost. One group switched from beverages that contained calories to water, while another switched from beverages with calories to calorie-free ones. A third group was counseled on how to eat healthier but wasn’t instructed to change what they drank. The results? All three groups lost weight and reduced belly fat, but those that switched to calorie-free drinks were more successful. They were twice as likely to have lost significant amounts of weight.

This should come as no surprise since people who drink soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages a few times a day can take in 400 or more beverage calories a day. Some people turn down doughnuts and other sweet treats to avoid gaining weight but don’t think twice about sipping a calorie-laden “frou-frou” coffee drink or guzzling a few cans of soft drink a day along with a glass of orange juice in the morning and a glass of red wine in the evening. Many people forget that it’s just as easy to suck calories through a straw as it is to shovel them in with a fork, maybe easier. What you drink counts.

 Reduce Beverage Calories: A Simple Weight Loss Strategy That Works

This study shows that making a small change like not drinking calories can be a relatively painless way to lose a few pounds. Try keeping a journal of everything you drink for a few days, and see how many liquid calories you’re actually taking in. The results may surprise you. Calories that you consume in liquid form aren’t as satisfying or as likely to keep you full as food calories. Plus, soft drinks have no nutritional value.

How to Stop Drinking Calories

Write down everything you drink for a week so you’ll be aware of how many liquid calories you’re taking in. Use it as a reality check.

If you don’t want to go “cold turkey,” wean yourself off of calorie-rich beverages by replacing one daily beverage each week with a calorie-free option.

Water is calorie-free, but if the thought of drinking water makes you want to run to the cola machine, choose another beverage that has no calories to sip on during the day and with meals. Good choices are black tea, green tea, and herbal tea. If you don’t like your tea unsweetened, add a little natural sweetener like Stevia. Reduce the amount of sweetener slowly over time, and you’ll gradually adjust.

If you don’t like regular water, sip sparkling water with a twist of lemon or lime for added zip.

Green tea and oolong tea have additional benefits when it comes to weight loss. Preliminary research shows that catechins in these teas may give your metabolism a subtle boost. They’re also loaded with healthy antioxidants.

Beverage Calories: The Bottom Line?

Too many people many sip and guzzle their calories and then wonder why they aren’t losing weight. Don’t let this happen to you. Be aware of what you’re drinking and make sure what you’re sipping is calorie-free.



United States Department of Agriculture. “Brewing Up the Latest Tea Research”

Medical News Today. “Switching to Water, Diet Beverages Can Tip the Scales”


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