Today’s Rehearsal of Lower Intensity Step
The above picture if from Lower Intensity Step. Joining Cathe once again are: Cedie, Brenda, Lorraine and Jai
The above picture if from Lower Intensity Step. Joining Cathe once again are: Cedie, Brenda, Lorraine and Jai
Though we had an entire crew filming everything today, it was just practice so we could really perfect and tweak our camera shots. This was also a good chance for Cathe and the crew to get use to being filmed and to work through any filming jitters they may have. This way everyone will be…
You can see just a little bit of the side video set wall in this picture of Cathe delivering her intro speech. We can not be more pleased with how filming went today.
In the picture on the left audio engineers get Cathe ready for her intro speech. Today was a very busy day for NFL Films, Cathe, our crew and staff. Cathe’s speech is actually the only footage you will see on DVD from today’s shoot. The rest of the day was spent filming a full rehearsal…
Yesterday was a very busy day for us. The giant photos were both hung by the riggers and artists worked all day painting the set to the new color scheme. NFL Films came by for a final inspection and made some suggestions on improving the lighting of the backdrop photos. The set design company should…
Our health club was opened from 9am to 4pm today and most of our Cathe dot Com staff worked a half day. There were no rehearsals today, but Cathe is working all day tweaking all of the routines. Being in the health club business, working holidays is standing operating procedure for us as we really…
Okay, they’re really not “Window Wizards”, but today was a very busy day for all kinds of behind the scenes activities. In the picture above a crew from the set design company we use cut a new window into the side of our set and made several other structural changes. On Thursday and Friday a…
The above picture is from one of our recent rehearsals and shows Brenda doing a pullover with a 25lb dumbbell Our new 4 Day Split series will use three types of equipment for our strength conditioning segments: Dumbbells, barbell and a resistance band. The emphasis in this series is on heavier weights and dumbbells from…
In this picture Cathe, Jai, Cedie and Brenda practice one of the two new step routines featured in the 4 Day Split series. Rehearsals will continue twice a day, 7-days a week, right up and until we start filming. We’re going to wait to release more detailed information about the workouts until after they have…
The picture above is from the first rehearsal for the new workouts earlier this week. Rehearsals have been going all week -twice a day – and will continue right up until we film. During this time Cathe will tweak each routine and she and the crew will work on being in perfect sync so on…
The picture above is a 3D model created by us of what our new set will look like. This time the theme of the set is a workout room in a tropical paradise. Perhaps the biggest differences with the new set as compared to last years set are the giant pictures you see in the…
Today marks the official start of “The behind the Scenes Blog” for the 4 Day Split – Cardio & Weights series. Over the next several days and weeks we will begin to tell the story about Cathe’s incredible new workout series. So make sure to visit the Blog regularly as we are posting updates almost…