Window Wizards!

bts-7-2a Okay, they’re really not “Window Wizards”, but today was a very busy day for all kinds of behind the scenes activities. In the picture above a crew from the set design company we use cut a new window into the side of our set and made several other structural changes. On Thursday and Friday a team of faux artist will completely repaint our set using the new color scheme we have chosen. Once the artist is done a team of riggers will install the giant photos and then another crew of experts will move in to finish lighting the set and new backdrops. Speaking of the new backdrops, both were delivered today by an air cargo courier. We had a little scare when the prints were delivered and we immediately noticed that ends of both of the tubes containing the prints were crushed. Though we want know for sure until the prints are unrolled and hung, we don’t think they sustained any major damage that would show on camera.Another big happening today was the arrival of the outfits that Cathe and the crew will wear in the videos. This is the first time we have had custom designed active wear just for our workouts, but after seeing them Cathe and the crew are all very glad we did and feel these are by far our best designed and looking outfits. The new clothes were actually inspired and greatly influenced by Cathe herself. She even made the initial drawings and chose the color schemes for all the clothes you will soon see. Cathe worked closely with a leading active wear designer and if feedback is strong enough a limited edition of at least one of the outfits will be made available for purchase.

The rest of the day was spent unpacking special equipment that arrived for the filming and testing out new camera lenses that also arrived today that we will use to take photographs of the Cathe and the crew during the filming. Some of these photos will eventually make it into our 2008 Cathe Calendar while others will end up on our Blog or in our next catalog. Final details on catering were also worked out today as our film days are very long and keeping everyone properly fed and happy is very important.

Cathe spent her day having two rehearsals and running a test session with the makeup and hair specialist. She also had to spend several hours trying on the new outfits and as she does everyday, tweaking and perfecting the workouts.

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