What to Eat Before a Morning Workout

istock_000007420949xsmallWhat to eat and whether you should eat at all before a workout is a hotly debated topic. If you work out first thing in the morning, some fitness gurus will tell you to exercise on an empty stomach since your glycogen stores are low, and your body is forced to use fat as fuel. The problem is it’s difficult to do a high-intensity workout when your carbohydrate stores are low. That’s why other sources will tell you to eat breakfast before working out if you plan to exercise hard.

A Low-Glycemic Breakfast is Better

According to a new study, you’ll still burn fat if you eat breakfast before working out, but you’ll burn more if you eat a low-glycemic breakfast rather than a high-glycemic one. Low-glycemic foods are ones that don’t raise blood sugar levels rapidly and cause insulin spikes that block fat storage. They’re usually foods that are high in fiber or protein. High-glycemic foods are usually made with white flour or sugar. White potatoes, white rice, breakfast cereals and even some fruits such as watermelon are high on the glycemic scale.

In this study, researchers found that subjects that ate a low-glycemic breakfast before exercising had more fatty acids in their blood than those who ate a high-glycemic one. This suggests that more fat oxidation occurred after eating the low-glycemic diet and exercising rather than a high-glycemic one. As a bonus, they also found that participants that ate a low-glycemic breakfast were less hungry when lunch time rolled around.

If you’re only planning to work out at a low intensity, say a brisk walk, you’ll burn more fat working out on an empty stomach. But if you plan on upping the intensity of your workout, a low-glycemic breakfast will give you the carbs you need to exercise hard without raising insulin levels to the point that you reduce fat breakdown. Insulin is a hormone that promotes fat storage and blocks its breakdown. That’s not what you want if you’re trying to lose fat.

Low-Glycemic Breakfast Ideas

So if you’re planning on doing a high-intensity workout or if you simply can’t motivate yourself to work out without eating in the morning, make it a low-glycemic breakfast. Try a bowl of bran cereal with milk or a hot cereal of hot quinoa with milk. Eat it with a source of protein such an omelet to further reduce the glycemic response.

Other good choices are a whole-wheat breakfast tortilla with egg, a little cheese, and some veggies. Who says you can’t eat vegetables for breakfast? If you need a fast pre-workout breakfast, make a yogurt smoothie using plain yogurt, strawberries, and a little calorie-free sweetener. Don’t overeat or you could end up with tummy discomfort if you do a high-intensity workout.

The Bottom Line?

According to this study, if you only plan on walking, you’ll burn more fat if you do it on an empty stomach. But if you really want to push yourself, eat a low-glycemic breakfast so you’ll have the energy to work hard. You’ll still burn fat.



Medical News Today. “Benefits of Working Out Heightened By Low Glycemic Breakfast”


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