Too Much Fun!

20070710_02652Hi Everyone! I’m so excited…..we just returned from editing and we have finished editing all 4 workouts. As exciting as this is, we are still plugging away because we have more to do. Be sure to check the blog for an update on that. Just wanted to tell you how excited I am to have the shows edited already.

Let me share some highlightes with you. As I watched each one, I was trying to pick a favorite. I really can’t say I have one. They all have really fun energy and a style all their own. It really depends on what type of cardio you are in the mood for on a given day.I just LOVE the MUSIC and the DRIVING ENERGY on Higher Intensity Step. And wow, there is A LOT of choreography and high intensity packed into that 30 minutes. I’m leaning VERY strongly as this being my favorite workout. I had a blast both creating it and filming it and today I even enjoyed editing it.
Bootcamp is super high energy too. This workout is unique, different, and super intense. Even the warm up is heart rate raiser. Some drills are harder than others so that you are able to keep on going right to the end. There are so many neat new challenges and fun ways to move your body. This workout will keep you inspired for MANY workouts to come. What a blast!
Kickbox is really high energy too. The music is AWESOME…(actually I think my favorite of all four workouts…well maybe tied with Higher Intensity Step!!). I don’t know about you but when my kickbox music is “right on” my workout goes through the roof. I made the warm up thorough, comprehensive, and intense as to suffice as part of the workout itself. After that you dive into a medley mix of some familiar moves mixed in with some new ones ….get ready to let the music take you on a ride. But my all time favorite part (the part that I believe was the most enjoyable to all watching too) was the punching combo at the end of the cardio segment. Your muscles are all warm, the music is pumpin, and now you just let it go and let the music inspire you to punch like never before. So much fun and holy smokes, what a core workout too!
Lower Intensity Step is definitely a gem too. This is perfect to do in between some of the higher intensity workouts in this 4 day split series or anytime in general when you want a low impact workout. But don’t think you’re off the hook to an easy workout, ha. This workout is loaded with fun and challenging choreography that will definitely hold your interest from start to finish. It has intensity blasts laced throughout it too….it’s really a fun, fun, workout. The weight work on each of the workouts have their own special qualities about them that make them feel unique and different. The sets are performed mostly in a slow manner, and at times, when the weights got really heavy, we went even slower to fight for that last rep. The key to getting the most out of these workouts, is finding out the best weight for each exercise from start to finish so that you get the right heat in the muscle to really work for it. This of course will take some time, but will be well worth it in the end. I also know that some of you like to train a bit longer than 20 to 30 minutes, so we will have pre-mixes to address all those needs too (hence why we are still editing)I can’t wait for you to have these workouts in your hands!!!!
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