The New “Cathe Nation” Launches Tomorrow

The New Cathe Nation Launches June 8th
The New Cathe Nation Launches June 8th

On Monday,  June 8th we will launch the 2nd phase of the newly redesigned  Our brand strategy for our two main websites is to focus on promoting Cathe and our products and to make about you, our customers.  With our new site you will begin to see this vision start to become reality.

Here is just some of what you will see tomorrow.

Success Stories
We have many new features we’re adding to our newly redesigned site, but none are more important than our new section for success stories. You can help us build our community by submitting your success story to us. Your motivational story can help to inspire others and we would love to hear about and post your success story so that it may be shared with others. Your story can be about weight loss, strength gains, mental health or any accomplishment that Cathe and her workouts have helped you to achieve.  Not only do we want to hear about your successes, but also your challenges and struggles that you had to overcome and/or may still be working on. We have created an easy form that you can fill out with your story and to upload your pictures. We only require an “After” picture, but you may upload both “Before” and “After” pictures if you prefer.  We will share more details on Monday about this.

Success Story Spotlight
All of your submitted success stories will be featured on our website, but we also plan on featuring a different success story every week on our home page. If you’re selected, not only will you get top billing on , but also will receive a $100 gift certificate to Our first featured story is from Shauna Reid and her amazing story of how she lost 175 lbs.

2008 Road Trip Video
We’ve now edited and placed on the homepage (available Monday) a video that shows what a Cathe Road Trip is all about. We have already posted the video on YouTube and on Cathe Tv if you would like to get a sneak preview now!

Special Event in NYC
On June 25th Cathe will be in NYC for a very special media event and will be holding two classes that she would like to invite 100 Catheites to attend. Details will be released tomorrow.

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