The Music in XTrain

The Music in XTrain

All of the music we used in XTrain was custom made by the same music production company (MyFitJam)  that produced the music for “To The Max” and “CrossFire”. So if you liked the music in our last production you should like XTrain’s music.  Cathe spent many months working almost every day with the music production company to develop nearly 100 custom songs for the XTrain workouts.

There are two types of music you will hear in Xtrain. Firstly, all of the cardio workouts will feature rock’n music with vocals just as we did in our last production. Different singers were used for different songs with goal of having just the right voice for the energy and feel that Cathe wanted for every song.  This is a process that sometimes took  several tries and different singers to get right for each song, but Cathe personally supervised this process making sure the music and vocals were exactly what she wanted. The music took months to complete, but we feel it was well worth  the time and effort.

Secondly, we had to make a decision on what kind of music to use for the strength training videos. We knew we didn’t want vocals, but we were not exactly sure of what type of music would work best. Most other exercise video productions you see nowadays  use very nondescript background music without a beat for strength conditioning workouts. We originally had several test songs made for the XTrain strength training workouts that also were more or less just background music without  a beat, but we were just not happy with the sound or energy.  In the end we decided to make motivational instrumental “sound a likes” for our strength training videos based on current hits and some popular 80’s songs.  These songs are along the same lines as our high energy cardio workout songs like in “To The Max” and “CrossFire”, but without the vocals. Though we can’t please everyone when it comes to music, we hope you enjoy the music we selected for XTrain.


*Pre-Sale prices end Oct 30th. You can learn more or Pre- order  XTRAIN now at:  Click Here

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