
The First Day of Filming!

bodymax2_group Yesterday was a very busy day of filming for Cathe and our crew (Lorraine, Cedie, Brenda and Jai). In fact, we’ve never in our 17 year history filmed as many hours in one day as we did yesterday. Cathe and the crew started early in the morning and did not finish until 10:30pm! This is even more amazing considering the fact that Cathe had trouble even walking a just few months ago and the temperature on the set reached 100 degrees yesterday! Everybody was totally drenched by the end of the day, but everything went really well and everyone did a fantastic job.

We know you want to see a lot of pictures and hear all of the details, but were going to very busy for the next few days with the filming of the rest of the workouts. In the meantime we’ve put up the first picture from yesterday which is a group shot (Lorraine, Cedie, Cathe, Brenda and Jai) taken just before we started filming Body Max 2.

We’re not sure how much time we will have to post more pictures and details over the next few days, but just as soon as we finish filming we will post a ton of details and pictures.

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