Tag: weightlifting dvd

Decline Press Makes This Move More Advanced

Most of our crew will do bench work on a flat or incline bench or step. However, instead of a flat bench or step we will occasionally show an exerciser using a decline bench. In the above picture Stuart is shown performing a Decline Tricep Extension during an STS rehearsal. This move is more advanced

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Everyone Can Do STS

No matter what your fitness level you can do STS as long as you take the time to do a 1RM test for every exercise. It does not matter whether you can bench 400 lbs or 30 lbs, as long as you select the correct weight for your fitness level you can do STS.

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Greg Performs a Bench Press

In the above picture Greg performs a Bench Press. In STS the Guys will be using a two piece combination unit that can function as a standalone flat/incline/decline exercise bench or as a bench press. This is not a unit we sell, but since many of you have a bench press or Bowflex at home

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