Tag: vitamin e

Vitamin E supplements

5 Supplements You Shouldn’t Take After 50

There are reasons you might take one or more supplements, especially if you eat a restricted diet. However, there are some you should take with caution if you’re over the age of 50. Here are some to be cautious about.  

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4 Vitamins You Can Take Too Much Of

If you take too much of certain vitamins, it can, in some cases, lead to toxicity. Some vitamins your body can eliminate so efficiently that toxicity is unlikely. However, there are vitamins that can cause toxicity if you take too much in supplement form. Here are the ones you should know about.

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9 Nutrients You Need More of As You Age

Did you know that certain nutritional deficiencies become more common as we age? Here are nine of the most common nutrients that people over the age of 55 don’t get enough of and how to correct that problem.

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