
Tag: sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D Supplement

The Worst Time to Take a Vitamin D Supplement

When you take a vitamin D supplement and what you take it with affects the benefits you get and how much you absorb. In this article you’ll discover the best and worst times to take vitamin D and how timing affects its absorption.

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Can You Get Enough Vitamin D from Sun Exposure Alone?

Can You Get Enough Vitamin D from Sun Exposure Alone?

You probably already realize how important vitamin D is for good health and you’d like to get it naturally. The greatest source of vitamin D for people not taking supplements is vitamin d from sun – but is it enough to meet your body’s requirements? Is it realistic to get vitamin D only from the sun?

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The Top Ten Sources of Vitamin D

The Top Ten Sources of Vitamin D

According to recent studies, 40-70% of the population suffers from some degree of vitamin D deficiency. Read on to discover the ten best ways to make sure that your body receives enough vitamin D.

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