Tag: strong core muscles

Abdominal Definition

5 Reasons You’re Working Out but Not Building Abdominal Definition

Why are rock-solid abs so hard to attain?  The challenge of getting abdominal definition is greater for females because women have more body fat, but men have to work hard to get them too. Women have to get down to under 20% body fat, in most cases, to see their abs pop. In many cases, it’s too much body fat that’s keeping them hidden.

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strong core muscles

Five Reasons Why It’s Important to Strengthen Your Core

You work your biceps, your glutes, and your quads, but what about your core muscles? Even if you develop a strong upper and lower body, having a weak core can limit you from an athletic standpoint and make it harder to carry out activities you do every day. Discover five reasons why it’s important to have strong core muscles.

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